Sunday, August 19, 2012

Asbestos Disease

Asbestos Disease

What are the types of asbestos-related lung disease?

Lung disease from exposure to asbestos can be divided into three main types: 1) asbestosis, 2) damage to the lining of the lungs (pleural), and 3) lung cancer.

1. Asbestosis is a process of widespread lung damage.

2. Disease of the lining of the lungs, called the pleura, there are various signs and symptoms and the result of inflammation and hardening (calcification) and / or the thickening of the lining fabric.

3. Lung cancer, or the internal parts of the lungs or the outer lining (pleural).

All commonly available commercial forms of asbestos have been linked to cancer and non-cancerous lung disease.

Asbestos-related lung disease occurred at very high rates in the middle of the 20th century, in patients who were exposed decades earlier to asbestos eventually developed disease. British asbestos workers were among the first to have been reported to have lung cancer associated with asbestos.

Most patients who have ever been exposed to asbestos as:

* Mining,

* Mills

* Factories or

* Homes with asbestos or in progress, installation or removal of asbestos or during cleaning items laden with asbestos dust.

Some workers were exposed to high concentrations of asbestos:

* Repair of motor vehicles

* Boilermaking,

* Construction

* Pipefitting,

* Launderers materials containing clothing.

Continuing sources of exposure are asbestos removal and general construction industries. In the period of time between exposure to asbestos and the development of cancer is usually 20 years or more.

The number of deaths from asbestosis has increased over the past two decades, but is believed to reach a plateau due to increased awareness of the risks.